There are so many special moments at Camp No Limits... Like when a child learns to tie her shoes for the first time or two kids shake hands while wearing prosthetics. And then there is a random moment when you look up and your daughter is wearing an E-nable hand on her little arm.
Um. That was super cool.We wrapped up day 2 of Camp No Limits Missouri. We have an awesome crowd of kids and parents and siblings. I'm lucky to have the chance to help lead the parent support group meetings. It is SO FREAKING cool to be in a room with so many other parents who know what it's like to try and guide a child through the experience of staring, prosthetics, 504 plans and more. I'm putting together a new camp video and I can't wait to somehow get it done in time for tomorrow's big talent show.We did something a little different tonight for the Missouri camp. Most of the kids joined in on a fashion show. I had told Jordan to bring one of her pretty dresses but instead she wore her dance recital outfit... Which she plans to use for tomorrow's talent show. But she also had her hair done SUPER fancy along with some make up. Dang, she looks grown up with make up.

Anyway, the kids were fantastic!!! I can't wait for tomorrow night's big show and raffle. I can't wait to share the end-of-camp video with you. Honestly, it's incredible to have so many wonderful families here. The weather is amazing and the kids are having so much fun. Jordan is already telling me how sad she is that camp will end on Monday.