Looking ahead for my girl and all girls

This pictures shows one of my most favorite places in the world, Mackerel Cove, Maine. What Jordan doesn't know is her dad and I have a dream that she'll have a simple ceremony some day at this spot when she's ready to get married. We have a vision of a happy day by the ocean and a post-ceremony celebration at a nearby building that used to house Bailey Island, Maine's library. Now it's a gathering space for art exhibits and the Fourth of July ice cream social.
It's a simple, happy and beautiful vision that hopefully Jordan will agree on many years from now.
I feel so blessed we can have this sweet vision. That are millions of girls whose parents and guardians see marriage in a totally different way. October 11 is International Day of the Girl in recognition of the 60 million girls around the world who are forced into marriage before they turn 18 years old. The statistics are heartbreaking.

It's hard to comprehend someone forcing my baby into marriage... it happens to girls as young as eight years old. Care reports young married girls drastically lose their opportunity for education and health. Child brides are more likely to die in childbirth. The group also reports HALF of girls in developing countries become mothers while they are still children. These children are also at risk for abuse and HIV infection.
But there are ways to help. Education is the key. Care reports girls who complete secondary education are SIX times less likely to become child brides. It takes a lot of money and political pressure to make vast changes.
Care offers an opportunity to take action and/or donate to help the cause. It's a tiny step to allow more families and girls dream of a future where boys and girls can grow up and succeed. It breaks my heart knowing so many girls miss the chance to be a child. I hope this effort continues to grow to help all girls get an opportunity to follow her dreams.
This post supports the International Day of the Girl on October 11th on behalf of CARE.org and Charitable Influence, a network of bloggers using their voices for good.