Mainstream Adaptive Clothing is a Game Changer
These are just a few of the items in Tommy Hilfiger's new Runway of Dreams adaptive clothing.
dress in motion
Today, Runway of Dreams announced an incredible partnership. Tommy Hilfiger announced a new line of adaptive clothing so all children can wear stylish clothes. Magnets are a huge part of the design... Check out how MagnaReady magnets work for clothing. I am floored by how great the outfits all look. Jordan was so excited to see how kids with limb differences and wheelchairs can wear great looking clothes. We're especially excited about adaptive pants and jeans that can be really challenging for kids who wear prosthetics or braces.I know the founder of Runway of Dreams, Mindy Scheier, has worked so hard to encourage the mainstream fashion industry to offer clothing that includes all children. Today's announcement made that vision a reality. (Check out all of the clothes here.) I hope this is the game changer for the fashion world. Children and adults of all abilities deserve clothing that is easy to wear without losing style. Let's get more brands offering stylish clothes that cost the same as typical styles! Let's see them in all of the stores we shop. If Tommy Hilfiger can do this, all kinds of other clothing brands can do it as well.I absolutely love Tommy Hilfiger's slogan for its Runway of Dreams adaptive clothing line, "Because every kid deserves a great pair of jeans."Heck yeah!