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Music Continues to Rock

Jordan is now into her second semester of piano. It is so cool to watch her figure this out. Her teacher has been so cool about helping Jordan learn how to read music for the right and left hand. She has found a consistent collection of beginner music that only needs one note at a time on the left side. It's so cool to see Jordan's pride in learning how music works. She surprised us last Fall when she proved to her teacher and I that she didn't need to learn one-handed piano. She even kicked butt during her very first piano recital.As she's grown as a piano player, she's also grown to love music of many kinds. And now Jordan wants to get better at singing. It's really cute. So she asked her piano teacher if she'd be willing to teach her some voice skills. I've learned Jordan has to get bigger to get serious voice training, so instead, Jordan gets to work on voice during the last 10 minutes of piano lessons. I took voice lessons as a child and eventually made a little side cash as a teen and in my early 20's singing at events and in coffee shops. I have to say I'm really excited to see a little bit of growth in the last few weeks as Jordan has had a chance to learn and sing with a great teacher.Music has always been a special outlet for me and I'm thrilled to see Jordan confident enough to continue to push her limits and continue to learn new things.