Seeing #LiveUnlimited in person at MDA Summer Camp
MDA Camp Food Smiles
Campers canoe at MDA camp
MDA cafeteria fun
MDA water fight
This sponsored post is brought to you by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. All opinions and experiences are my own!I know the life-long impact a summer camp can bring to a child's life. Ever since Jordan started attending Camp No Limits when she was three, I've watched her develop into a confident and VERY strong person.My commitment to her camp experience is a big reason I had a chance to visit another special summer camp last week.The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) partnered with me and a handful of other bloggers to visit an MDA Summer Camp. 4,000 kids with muscular dystrophy or a related life-threatening disease that takes away physical strength and mobility have an opportunity to attend one of about 75 camps held across the country at no charge to their families. It's pretty incredible to see the combination of heart and financial support to make it happen.I got to hang out with the campers in the Quail cabin. It included five girls who are seven or eight-years-old. Three were first-time campers. One camper told me this is her third year. Unlike a lot of summer camps, each camper is given her own camp counselor. That guarantees each camper's health needs are closely watched and supported while making sure every child gets a barrier-free environment for fun.I visited on a day where many of the campers and counselors were decked out in togas. The cafeteria was full of smiles and giggles and all kinds of camp traditions. There are chants and songs and dances all over the room. This isn't a camp where the kids are focused on a diagnosis. They are focused on fun and living everything to the fullest. That includes life skills and learning many things the kids may not have realized was possible.My campers had a morning full of fun on the water. We had the chance to fish and canoe and play in the sand. That was followed by swim time. Pools offer an escape for a lot of kids with muscular dystrophy. The water allows their bodies to feel free from some of the physical limitations that come as their muscles weaken. The camp I visited had a fantastic ramp that made it possible for each kid to enter the pool without struggling. Counselors helped guide their camper into the water. It was a little swimming parade. Every kid was smiling, splashing and at some point, water guns came out and any of us sitting on the side became a target. Classic camp stuff.MDA spends all year raising money to make sure kids can attend camp. It takes $2,000 per child for all of the details to come together. The organization also spends a lot of time raising money for research and care that will help kids and adults with muscular dystrophy live longer, stronger lives.
Your LiveUnlimited MDA Camp
I know camps like MDA Summer Camp create a special bond between the kids who attend. The kids know they aren't alone. There's a confidence that stays with them through the year. That confidence stays with them as they grow up. I can't wait to share a story of a young woman I met at camp. She's proof of the camp's importance. You'll get to read about her tomorrow.If you're interested in supporting the Muscular Dystrophy Association, there's a really easy way. Through July 31st, you can raise $5 just by uploading a photo to
.It's a simple first step to making an impact in the lives of kids who deserve it!