Taking Risks All the Time - Top Five Favorites
Over the past week, Jordan returned to softball practice and it made me think back to a bunch of different times when Jordan has surprised me by taking risks with her activities. Why not share my top five favorite risk taking moments so far in Jordan's life? Here you go.Number 1: Rock climbingJordan has never been afraid of climbing rocks. For years, we worried about Jordan climbing the rocks of Maine during our yearly visits. It's never phased her nor been a problem. I think all that core strength work is why climbing is so easy for her.

Number 3: KayakingLast summer, we bought our family a kayak for the first time. It's big and fits three people. Well... Two adults and a kid or one adult and two kids. Jordan surprised us by finding a way to paddle with her hand and her little arm. We can't wait for this summer when she can try out her first kayak hand and see if she can paddle even harder.
Number 4: Roller skatingBalance isn't always Jordan's best friend. It was really cool to see Jordan take a risk and try out roller skating. Since her first time, she's gone back a few more times. She hasn't mastered skating without this handy-helper system, but I think she's getting close.

Anything is possible. Jordan proves that to me time and time again.