The Joy of Running
Sharing a medal
I picked up running a number of years ago as something that helps calm my very busy brain. In the last few years, Jordan has taken a liking to it and I've discovered it's something I really love to do with her. Blame school schedules and travel, but we don't get to run together often... So this past weekend was pretty awesome.
Jordan wrapped her second-ever session with Girls on the Run. It's a fabulous program that helps girls focus on confidence and coping mechanisms BEFORE they get into the thick of middle school. It also teaches healthy, active habits and the knowledge that finishing a race is always a great feeling.I feel like I provided Jordan with a perfect storm of confidence this school year. Consider the combination of Girls on the Run, Jordan's American Girl campaign, her superhero experience with KIDmob and Autodesk and Born Just Right's ongoing opportunities to help Jordan mentor other kids. That's an amazing collection of Jordan learning how to control her destiny. And she's only TEN!
Since the school year is wrapping up, I decided to find a super fun reason for Jordan and me to keep running together this summer. Since I have a Disney habit (and continue to answer questions on the Disney Parks Moms Panel website), I decided to sign Jordan and me up for a virtual run challenge through runDisney. Check out the Virtual Running Shorts Series: Three virtual 5Ks that benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society between May 15th and June 30th. I'm excited to do something extra fun and active with Jordan - who is already super active. (The softball season is almost in full swing and she continues to rock out CrossFit!) Even better? Jordan and I will get to earn even more medals!