We always try to #LiveUnlimited
Your LiveUnlimited Moment
Today is a special day. I was invited to spend a day at one of the nearly 75 week-long Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) summer camps in the United States. I will get to meet some of the campers and learn about how camp makes a positive impact on their lives.I know the importance of summer camps. Jordan has attended Camp No Limits since she was three. Getting the chance to connect with kids who are just like you is a tremendously important. It makes an especially big difference for a kid growing up with physical differences. MDA camp offers kids a chance to be kids, and in a wonderful way, "Live Unlimited."That's the saying that is focused on a month-long MDA movement for all of us to join. You can share a moment when you got to #LiveUnlimited and help raise money for the organization. Here's an example of how "can't" isn't in MDA kids' vocabularies.
I'm honored to have been asked to write about camp and share details on social media. If you'd like to see what I learn, I'll have facts and stories here on Born Just Right later this month, but also today on the
and Jordan is letting me take over her Instagram account for a day,
.I know, in our house, we always try to Live Unlimited. If you don't I hope my experiences today help encourage you to give it a try!(Thanks again to
for this photo of Jordan and I.)